Everyone's a fucking poet! |
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| << The Architecture of Memor... | Sleep Furiously 1 >> PoetryPervasive Filterby a.h.s. boy |
total immersion in the english language goodbye latin french german italian except those phrases we can assimilate and mispronounce O de twalet vy saverssa yah vol hair common dant eksettera eksettera like this we learn our tongues i once tied myself up and forced myself to learn pig latin merely for the sake of demonstrating a certain form of linguistic dexterity akin to the gunslinger who twirls his pistol around his finger before placing it back in its holster classy hip john wayne before james dean mastering a language means learning the structure of the blueprint of new words and cultural icons the ability to construct expressions like "i am the sears tower of literature" "her mind burned like the ground at pompeii" and "postmodern color," representing a drunkeness of subtlety deserving the rank of Master Poetry for their capacity to give an authentic air to vague non-existent or otherwise indescribable notions but what is reality but the object of intention total immersion in language? but what language do dreams speak?ii. the absolute filter is a web of social interaction where the unusual becomes dangerous: perhaps van gogh slicing off his ear was a sign of love in his language maybe depression is a beautiful dialect or schizophrenia is a form of polysemic poetry -- suicide is now read like pulp fiction as a call for help to say "help me" "help me" doesn't mean anything in romance languages and at least the small community of failed attempts at suicide crosses geographic boundaries with a lexicon of scars so what good's a dictionary when the building blocks of language range from characters to razor blades? think about it there's a romanian poet who speaks better english than we ever will and better romanian does that make him more english than me or less likely to kill himself?
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