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LI 1954
André-Frank Conord
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Potlatch Issue 2

Potlatch, the "information bulletin of the French Section of the Lettrist International" published 27 issues, from 22 June 1954 to 5 November 1957. Weekly for the first 12 issues, then monthly. Several well-known members, including Guy Debord, Mohamed Dahou, and Gil J. Wolman went on to form the Situationist International.



Potlatch: Directions for UseAndré-Frank Conord
No Common Measure LI 1954
They Write to Us of VancouverPatrick Straram
Two Détourned Phrases for Ivich LI 1954
Second Anniversary LI 1954
Exercise in PsychogeographyGuy-Ernest Debord
Out the DoorGil J. Wolman
Worthwhile RememberingMohamed Dahou

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