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The Society of the Spectacle

by Guy-Ernest Debord

Chapter 10 "Colophon"

The Society of the Spectacle

Guy Debord

La Société du Spectacle was first published in 1967 by Editions Buchet-Chastel (Paris); it was reprinted in 1971 by Champ Libre (Paris).

The first English translation was published by Black & Red in 1970. It was revised in 1977, incorporating numerous improvements suggested by friends and critics of the first translation.

Guy Debord was editor of the journal Internationale Situationiste from 1958 to 1969. He died in 1994.

This HTML version of the Black & Red 1983 printing was scanned by a.h.s. boy on 11 December 1994 for use in these archives. A tip of the hat to Carl Steadman, whose contents rolled themselves into this edition. Please send mail regarding any errors to me.


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